The PERSON TAB VIEW displays when a Defendant link is clicked from Statewide Warrant Search results. It is the central repository for information related to a Person record.
The screen is organized as follows:
Breadcrumb trail: A series of links to previously visited "pages" (screens).
Precautionary Banner: The most prominently displayed section is the red banner above the "tabs." This banner can display two different warnings concerning the person:
The number of outstanding processes associated with the Person record.
The existence of any law enforcement precautionary or investigative Notes (if applicable, NCAWARE Person records only).
Person Tabs: Below the banner, Person record data is organized into "tabs." Each division of Person data can be viewed simply by clicking the related tab. Select a link below for more information on a specific tab:
Prior Processes (NCAWARE records only)
Markings (NCAWARE records only)
Known Assoc. and Gangs (NCAWARE records only, LEOs only)
Other Notes (NCAWARE records only, LEOs only)