Search for an Offense Code (SSA)

When maintaining or viewing Offenses in NCAWARE, it will be necessary to search for an Offense. Below are the steps to search for both Statewide Offenses, Local (99) Offenses and Local (99) Offense Templates.

Before you start:

  • An Offense search within a specific county will return both Statewide Offenses and Local (99) Offenses within the county.


    1. From the MAIN MENU, click the Offense Codes Maintenance - SSA link.

  1. The OFFENSE code SEARCH screen displays. There are various "filters" (user-entered data that will limit and sort search results) to place on a search:

Select a required Jurisdiction and Law Type, and then enter at least one of the following: Statute/Code,  Offense Code, and/or a Keyword.

Once the filter fields are entered, click the Search button.

Note: Selection of the Template Only checkbox will re-display the search screen with only the Offense Code filter available. Once a search is submitted, only Local (99) Offense Templates will return.


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The OFFENSE SEARCH RESULTS screen displays with the returned records.

Select the radio button of an Offense Code, Title, or Template and click either the View, Edit, Maintain Titles, or Delete button. Click the Add button if the Offense does not exist and you need to add it. For Help on these topics, click the Related Topics button here:

Related Topics


For a listing of associated rules for this topic, click here.