Maintain Person ID Numbers Rules



When editing or deleting a PID, SID or FBI Number


Only the state system administrator can edit or delete a PID, SID, or FBI Number.


Note: The ‘ADD’ function for PID, SID or FBI number will NOT be authorized for State System Administrator. The ADD of these numbers is through computer interface to NCAWARE.



When editing a PID for a person record
(SSA only)


If the same PID and AGENCY already exists on another person, display message, “Error:  XXX (ID Type) already exists for person (person name) XXX and agency".

Example: “Error: PID already exists for John.James.Smith and agency”.



When editing a SID number for a person record
(SSA only)


If the same SID already exists on another person, display the error message 

"Error: XXX (ID Type) already exists for person (person name) XXX and agency”.

Example: “Error: SID already exists for John.James.Smith and agency”.



When editing a FBI number for a person record
(SSA only)


If the same FBI number already exists on another person, display the error message, "Error: XXX (ID Type) already exists for person (person name) XXX and agency”.

Example: “Error: FBI number already exists for John.James.Smith and agency”.



When entering a Date of Birth


If a date of birth is unknown, the approximate age of the person will be entered.  

The 3 numeric age entered will be calculated into a date of birth and stored in the database.  

The Age will be stored as date Age entered or updated based on calculation.  

A flag will be added to state estimated DOB when Age field is used to calculate a DOB.  

Example - Age 25 entered on 08/20/2002 will be calculated to the DOB of 08/20/1977.



When adding a LID for a person record


A user can only add a LID (local ID number) associated with their agency.  

Agency Name field will appear as 'Text Only' based on the user's login agency.



When adding a LID for a person record


Only one LID can exist per agency, but multiple can exist for each person.



When adding an SSN for a person record


The person record can have more than one unverified SSN in the system. 


The same SSN can be associated with more than one person detail record.


If a duplicate exists, display warning message, “SSN number XXXXXX, is already linked to Name (First Name, Middle, Last Name) XXXXXX, click SUBMIT to Add, or CANCEL”.


Display the true name for all associated person records in the message.



When adding an SSN for a person record


If an individual is re-issued a new SSN by the Social Security Administration, the re-issued SSN entered into this field should be flagged as re-issued and could have a verified source type as SSN Card.



When adding or editing an ID number


A user cannot add a duplicate ID of the same type for the same person. The system will issue an error message: ID already exists for person.



When adding or editing an Agency ID (LID) Number


A user cannot add a duplicate ID of the same type and agency for the same person. Type, agency and ID number define a unique ID number.  Display Message, “Error: ID Type Already exists for the agency and person.”



When adding or editing a DMV ID


If the DMV ID is already assigned to another person, display message,

"Warning: DMV ID number XXX already exists for the State XXX and is linked to Name XXX".  



When editing or deleting a PID, SID or FBI Number.



These IDs are only maintained via interfaces.  Display an ERROR on the Person IDs tab "Error: This ID can only be viewed.  It is maintained outside NCAWARE.".




When adding the first Date of Birth (DOB), for a defendant only


Emancipated flag must be set if the DOB being added is <16 and cannot be set if the DOB being added is > or equal to 16 at the date of the offense of the current process.



When adding or editing a DOC ID


If the DOC ID is already assigned to another person, display warning message: “DOC ID number XXXXXX, is already linked to Name (First Name, Middle, Last Name) XXXXXX, Click SUBMIT to Add, or CANCEL”.


Display the true name for all associated person records in the message.



When adding a DOB ID Type


Either Age or DOB is required.



When displaying an estimated Date of Birth in the Person Search Results


The Date of Birth will be displayed with a "+" sign beside the date of birth field.  A screen instruction message is displayed to show "+=Estimated Date of Birth".

