Maintain Person Name Rules
When adding a name to the person record, or editing a name that currently exists |
If a duplicate name already exists with the same name type, display, Error: This name already exists for the person with this type. |
CND27 |
BR57 |
When adding a name to the person record, or editing a name that currently exists |
If a duplicate name already exists with a different name type (common to this use case), display message, Error: This name already exists for this person as type xxxxxxx. |
CND27 |
BR58 |
When adding a True Name to the person record |
An authorized user can add a new true name but the person record can only have one TRUE name. “Save Old True Name As” field is required. The old true name is saved. |
CND28 |
BR59 |
When editing the current true name or adding a new true name for a person |
The user can edit the current TRUE name (if authorized) and must indicate what to do with the old TRUE name. (Save Old True Name As). The old true name is saved. |
CND29 |
BR60 |
When deleting a name |
The user cannot delete a TRUE name for the person but can delete other name types if authorized. |
CND30 |
BR61 |
When adding a true name |
The person record can have multiple names of all types except TRUE. The person can only have 1 TRUE name. |
CND31 |
BR62 |
When attempting to delete a Person Name of alias type when that name is used where the person is the Defendant on a Process that has an “issue date” |
The system should not allow deletion of the Name. Return message, Error: This name is associated with a process and cannot be deleted. |
CND403 |
BR535 |
When changing the "True Name" of a participant selected for a process |
Any user who is authorized by Security Roles to add a new name or edit a name and who is not restricted by any other applicable rules, can change the True Name on a person. If the current True Name is owned by some other agency if you are a LEO or some other county for a Clerk/Magistrate you can change the Type of the True Name even if you don't have the rights to edit the True Name directly by: A) Adding a True Name, and identifying how to categorize the old True Name B) Editing an existing name which you have permission to update, and identifying the type of the old True Name Once the Master Name record is changed the True Name will appear as the primary name on any new process. The type of the previous True Name will be changed to the value specified by the user, and the date the last update information will show the current date and the name of the user who requested the change. NOTE: Security Roles does not apply to the change in the type of the current True Name. The True Name remains the same on the old process. since it is archived. Example: 1) Nancy Smith was a previous defendant entered by Wilson County that now has an SID in Master Name record. 2) Nancy Smith is selected as a defendant for a new process entered by Johnston County, but her legal name is now Nancy Hunt due to marriage. 3) When Nancy Smith is selected by Johnston County it becomes linked to the Master Name record with SID entered by Wilson County. 4) Johnston County can change the True Name of Nancy Smith to Nancy Hunt and Nancy Smith becomes an alias. 5) When fingerprints are submitted and the SBI assigns the same SID number, the new process will show as positively identified, but no other information will change on the person record. |
CND455 |
BR610 |