Master Person Maintain Person Demographics Rules


When editing any field other than DOB


The edited information will replace the existing information.  

The previous information will not be stored in the database.



When uploading a new image


The new image and all previous images will remain in the database and linked to the person until the image is deleted.



When deleting an image


The image will be removed from the database and all associated processes.



When entering a date of birth


If a date of birth is unknown, the approximate age of the person will be entered.  

The 3-digit numeric age entered will be calculated into a date of birth and stored in the database.  The Age will be stored as date Age entered or updated based on calculation. 


A flag will be added to state estimated DOB when the Age field is used to calculate a DOB.  Example - Age 25 entered on 08/20/2002 will be calculated to the DOB of 08/20/1977.



When displaying or editing person demographics


The Date of Birth (DOB) displayed will be the most recently added/updated DOB.








When the user enters a city name that is correct, and does not enter a county name


If there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the city and a county, the county name will be added to the address, and the address will be added to the database.



When the user enters a city name that is correct, and does not enter a county name


If there is a 1 to many relationship, the City Search screen will be displayed with the city name pre-populated and the search executed, showing the valid city and the county combinations.  

Display message “Warning: City: City exists in multiple counties.  Select correct combination from list.”



When the user enters a city name that is correct and has selected a county from the county dropdown


If there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the city and a county, and the county selected is the correct one, the address will be added to the database.



When the user enters a city name that is correct and has selected a county from the county dropdown


If the city and county do not match the database, the City Search screen will be displayed with the city name pre-populated and the search executed, showing the valid city and the county combinations.  

Display message “Warning: City: City exists in multiple counties. Select correct combination from list”.



When the user enters a city name that is not recognized


The City Search screen will be displayed with city name blank and message, “Warning: City: City does not exist, search for city name”.



When the user selects a city from the City Search screen


The city selected will be populated on the calling page and if there are no errors, the address is added to the database.



When displaying an estimated Date of Birth on the tab page


The Date of Birth will be displayed with a "+" sign beside the date of birth field.



When a user submits an image to be stored on a person



NCAWARE will compare the image hash value with existing NCAWARE images of the same image type associated with the same Master Person.  If a match is found, NCAWARE will not store the image and display the error, "Error: The submitted image and image type are already associated with the person."


