The Technology Services Division (TSD) of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) developed NCAWARE, the North CArolina WArrant REpository, in response to the need for a comprehensive statewide repository of unserved criminal processes. NCAWARE is widely accessible to all North Carolina court officials and law enforcement officers (LEOs) and houses all orders, summons, warrants, release orders, appearance bonds and orders for arrest, as well as a great deal of demographic information on defendants, complainants, and witnesses.

Along with the retention and updating of process and participant data, NCAWARE also provides for the tracking and updating of process assignment to law enforcement agencies through the Process Tracking section.

NCAWARE replaced the legacy Magistrate System and includes data converted from both the Magistrate System and the Automated Criminal/Infraction System (ACIS).

NCAWARE was designed with input from representatives of law enforcement and the court system. With the guidance of our User Advisory Committee, including the magistrate, clerk, and law enforcement subcommittees, a number of important features have been built into the system to address the needs of each user.


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(NCA 4.8, SWS 2.8)